
SALAAM CULTURAL CENTER (SCC) was incorporated as a non-profit religious organization in 2011. We have come a long way from our humble beginnings back in the 2003 when we had a very small place for prayers that soon grew into Masjid-SALAAM 2011.

SCC has grown several folds in terms of its community strength and size in the last 9 years. Our main SCC building is approximately 8030 SQFT in size (In March 2016 SCC has purchased Church 8030sqft.). We have over 200 people attending Jumaa prayers on Fridays. Our Weekend Islamic School provides one of the best schooling alternatives to our community members who wish to offer quality education to their children in an Islamic environment.

In addition to being open for prayers five times a day, SCC provides Educational programs (dawah), outreach services, social services, Islamic Counseling and Education (ICE), Youth and Women’s services, Reknowned visiting scholars, etc. All of this has been possible primarily due to the Will and Blessings of Allah (SWT) and due to the very generous support of our community members and tireless efforts of many dedicated volunteers over the past few decades.

““Whosoever builds for Allah a masjid, Allah will reward him similar to it in paradise.”

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Our Services

Our Mission


We are the SALAAM CULTURAL CENTER in Minneapolis cooperation with Muslim communities around the MINNESOTA our mission is to: Live our faith as a congregation, inspired by the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as individuals and as a collective body, and to foster a mission of peace, justice and compassion for all within our Mosque, our community and the world.


Our Values


In pursuit of our mission we choose to emphasize these particular values:

  • The goodness and the love of God manifested in all creation
  • The dignity of the person called to wholeness by God
  • The spiritual power of community committed to prayer and service


Our Goals


  • To live and share our faith with all God’s people.
  • To teach Islamic beliefs and values in the context of deepening spirituality and community involvement.
  • To inspire leaders for stewardship in community service.
  • To make our Mosques vital centers for worship and community needs.
  • To empower the community to lead an Islamic way of life.


Services Provided


SCC provides services for the Muslim community and the community in Minneapolis.

  • Congregational prayers and services for over 200 people.
  • Educational programs for both adult and school age children, for women and men.
  • Youth activities and enrichment.
  • Islamic counseling.